(SBIR Phase I, Airforce) High Power and Versatile Optical Isolator with Reflective Faraday Rotator for 2µm fiber lasers
(SBIR Phase I, Airforce) Efficient Fiber Coupling and Low-Cost MID-IR Fiber Combiner for Quantum Cascading Laser
(SBIR Phase I, Airforce) Active Distributed Pump Signal Combiner for High Power Fiber Laser
(Direct Phase II, NAVY) High Yield, Large Area, Low Cost ALD Manufactural Process for Ultra-narrow Bandpass Optical Filters
(Phase I, DOD, CBD) High Enhancement, Low Cost, Large Area SERS substrates by ALD Deposited Porous Polymeric Filter Networks
(Phase I, DOE) Precise Control of Particle Orbit in Accelerator using Machine Learning Technology
This program will perform a proof-of-principle demonstration for a system with following deliverables: 1) highly accurate machine learning whole-machine orbit lock system that can calculate and apply all orbit lock corrections to apply on magnets from BPM readback; 2) a fast real-time feedback-loop control software program that use ML models developed in 1) to find optimal settings of parameters at least much faster than the old orbit lock control systems based on response matrix and use active learning to automatically adapt the ML models to changes in the system and can quickly find new optimal settings without the need to fully retrain the ML models; 3) A data visualization and control dashboard that provides quick insights of key performance measures and allows manual override of possible erroneous parameter setting provided by software.
(Phase I, DOE) Tunable Fiber Laser System in Visible Wavelength Range for Photocathode Drive
Next generation photoinjectors for high brightness light sources demands a pulsed laser system that is tunable in visible range and have MHz repetition rate as well as 10s of micro-joule pulse energy. This SBIR program is to develop a laser system consists of a tunable seed module that can tune the wavelength from 1250nm to 1390 nm, a 40 GHz intensity modulator that can generate a 25-30ps pulse, a Pr doped or Pr-Yb co-doped fluoride fiber amplifier to boost the average power to more than 20W and a second-harmonic generation module to covert the final output to visible range and tunable from 625 nm to 695 nm. Our laser system will generate the pulse train with pulse energy of more than 10 micro-joules and repetition rate in MHz.
(Phase I, DOE) Broadband Low Aberration Composite Magnet Sextupole Lens
Magnetic lens is used for neutron optics. This SBIR proposal proposes innovative approaches to improve the imaging quality and flexibility of magnet Sextupole lens.
(Phase I, DOE) High-performance Dichroic Filters for Large-Scale Neutrino Detector
(Phase I, DOE) Low Insertion Loss High Power Cryogenic Faraday Isolator for CO2 Wavelength
(Phase I, NAVY) Efficient Burn-in Process for High Power QCL Lasers
(Phase I, DOE) High Power Broad-band Isolator for kilowatt-class ultrafast laser systems
Faraday isolator is the key component for developing kW class ultrafast laser system. This SBIR program is to develop high performance isolator that can sustain Joule level femtosecond and kHz pulse train in the ultrafast laser system.
(Phase I, DOE) Ultra-bright Quantum Light Source Using Entangled Two-Mode State
Quantum light source is the key component for developing transparent optical quantum communication networks to support distributed quantum information science. This program is to build an innovative, bright, multi-channel quantum light source for developing quantum networks.
(Phase I, DOD Navy) Anti-reflective Surface for Infrared Optical Fiber Endfaces
May 2019: Raytum Photonics kicks-off three DOE SBIR programs
(Phase I) High-Accuracy Angle Generator for Angular Calibration
In this SBIR program we are going to develop a device that is capable of providing high accuracy angular information that can meet the accuracy of less than 50 nrad over a range of about 20 mrad . The innovation of the proposal is based on the principle that the angular information is not presented in the position space as normally done by a conventional angular measurement process, but it is presented in the frequency space using a laser wavelength, which inherently possesses high accuracy by the nature of the laser wavelength.
(Phase II) High Power Fiber Laser System for Polarization of Helium-3 Gas
The goal of this program is to design and develop the prototype of next generation pumping laser at 770nm through frequency doubling the high power 1540nm fiber laser. Compared with traditional fiber coupled diode laser used in Helium-3 polarization, the prototype we develop has unique features that have never been accomplished before: the lasing linewidth is tunable from extremely narrow of sub-GHz to 10s GHz, direct linear or circular polarization output with polarization maintaining fiber delivery, and exceptional diffraction-limited output beam quality. The whole laser system not only can provide the scalable output power but also has the ability to tune and lock the center wavelength to match the exact position of absorption line.
(Phase II) Precise and ultra-stable laser polarization control for polarized electron beam generation
Parity-violating scattering of polarized electron beam has been demonstrated to be a key factor in the success of many high-energy and nuclear physics programs in DOE national labs. The next generation parity-violating experiment, such as MOLLER, requires extremely precision. This SBIR proposal is to build a precise and ultra-stable circular laser polarization flipping system for helicity-flipping polarized electron beam generation to meet the precision requirements.
APRIL 2018:
Raytum Photonics is proud to announce the award of two 2018 DOE Phase I SBIR and one 2018 DOE Phase II SBIR Proposals. The following Proposals were awarded:
(DOE Phase I SBIR): High Power Fiber Laser System for Polarization of Helium-3 gas
Highly polarized Helium-3 gas is an extremely important neutron target for many nuclear physics programs conducted in DOE national labs. Raytum Photonics will develop state of art fiber master-oscillator power-amplifier (MOPA) combined with the frequency doubling module to provide the best and turn-key solution for the polarization of Helium-3 gas. This system will not only increase the pumping speed of polarizing Helium-3 , but also provide the solution for direct circular polarization output and thus save the setup cost and lab space.
(DOE Phase I SBIR): Precise and ultra-stable laser polarization control for polarized electron beam generation
Polarized Electron Beam is generated by circularly polarized laser light from a GaAsP photocathode with its polarization state determined by the laser light’s polarization. Raytum Photonics propose a highly-accurate and ultra-stable circular laser beam polarization flipping system which is consisted of an Electro-optic modulator based on a transversely modulated and birefringence compensated potassium di-deuterium phosphate (DKDP) crystal, driven by an innovative high voltage switching driver. Our approaches are aimed to realize faster helicity flipping and minimize helicity-correlated change.
(DOE Phase II SBIR): High Power Extremely Narrow Linewidth Diode Laser for Polarizing Helium-3 Target
Raytum Photonics will deliver a fiber coupled diode laser system with output power of more than 200W, linewidth less than 0.1 nm and the lasing wavelength automatically locked to the Rb absorption line. We are also going to engineer a prototype high power laser module to evaluate the concept of kW fiber coupled system for the polarization of Helium-3. The high power fiber coupled diode laser has also been widely used in the material process industry.
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